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Denvr Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Responsible and Sustainable Supply Chain
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. Modern slavery takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor and human trafficking, all of which deprive victims of their liberty and health, and exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
Denvr Dataworks Corp. is dedicated to preventing modern slavery in its supply chains, focusing on the risks of forced and child labor. We have implemented rigorous policies, such as a Supplier Code of Conduct and due diligence processes, to ensure compliance with ethical standards.
Denvr conducts regular supplier assessments, mandatory employee training, and continuous improvement measures to maintain a transparent and ethical supply chain. This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement reflects our ongoing efforts and commitment to fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations to mitigate any risk of human trafficking in our business operations or those of our suppliers.